
Showing posts from May, 2023

Top Reasons to Consider Natural Birthing Plan

The term "natural birth" often refers to labor and delivery without the use of any interventions or pain medication. If you decide to give birth naturally at Circle City Midwifery & Women's Health Services, Inc. , a reputable birthing center, we will be there for you every step of the way, from preparing your unique natural birthing plan to being by your side on your special day. Here are some of the reasons why natural birth is usually the safest and healthiest for the baby: Improved Microbiome When a baby is born naturally, the baby has enormous advantages. Babies who are delivered vaginally have more varied microbiomes, fewer allergies, and a lower risk of obesity, asthma, and diabetes as they age. Increased Protective Bacteria The immune systems of babies are strengthened by the protective bacteria they get from the birth canal. Babies who are born through cesarean section are more likely to pick up bacteria that is on skin. At Circle City Midwifery & Women&#